Walk 4. - Evershot, Dorset, England
Distance : approximately 8 miles, circular
How to get to the start : Approach from the A 37 (Dorchester to Yeovil), signed Evershot
O.S. Map: Explorer 117 or Landranger 194
This is a circular walk, mainly across fields or on lanes and tracks, with a small amount of walking on quiet public roads. The walk finishes by going through the Melbury Deer Park.
considerately at the North East end of the village, by the grass triangle and
the entrance to Melbury Park
With your back to the park
entrance, bear right towards the village centre. After a short distance, turn
right into Back Lane. Continue along Back Lane and turn right on to a footpath
just before a group of 4 cottages (St. John’s Villas).
Go through a gate and,
ignoring a gate straight ahead on the opposite side of the field, head for the
stile about 100 yds to the left in the top left corner. Go over the stile and
cross the lane to go over the stile opposite. Head for a gate in the far corner.
Go through this gate and keep along the right hand hedge (passing to the right
of a stone trough) to a stile in the corner.
Go over the stile and turn
right along Girt Lane. Keep on this lane as it bends left, then right and
downhill. Ignore the track to the left (signed Lewcombe Woods Farmhouse) and
enter Girt Farm.
Just past the large cream
farmhouse the path splits. Take the left track, go through a metal gate and
between buildings, through a second gate and into a field.
In the field walk over the
hillock and pass to the left of a single row of trees to a hunting gate in the
far left hand corner. Unclip (and replace) the electric wire and go through the
gate into a copse.
Continue straight ahead and
cross the stream. Ascend the bank to a stile ahead. Go over the stile and head
across the field to the right of the buildings on the far side. Go through a
gate and past a corrugated metal workshop on to a road.
Turn right and proceed with
care along the road. Ignore the footpath to the left (through the farm) and
ignore another footpath several hundred metres further on (also to the left) and
pass Oaklands Farm on your right. Shortly after the entrance to Oaklands House
turn right on to the drive leading to Lewcombe Manor.
Follow this drive past the
Lodge. Go through the wooden gate to the left of the main entrance to the manor
(where you will see a dog halfway down a rabbit hole!). *
visit the delightful little church of St. James, continue straight on at this
point and follow the sign round to the left. Note the unusual circular windows
and sign the visitors’ book. Retrace your steps to pick up the walk at the
main entrance*)
Keep along the fence on your
right and pass between a large oak tree and a transformer to a hunting gate in
the right hand corner. Cross the stream and pass through another gate.
Here you should take the
right hand footpath (the footpath sign is on a tree stump) and continue uphill
along this sometimes muddy section (only about 20 metres!). Go through a gate
and bear right. Ignore the
small gate on your right (leading into a wooded area), but go through the metal
gate ahead. Keep going straight ahead (ignoring tracks to the right and left),
go through a wooden gate and, where there is a crossing of paths, continue
straight on through a metal double gate.
11. Go along a sunken path with a hedge on either side. Continue on this path until you reach the buildings of Melbury Osmond. Go downhill to the main road through the village. Turn right along the road
Go over the ford and past Park View. In front of Walnut Tree
turn right and enter Melbury Park
that dogs are kept on leads. As you exit the park, continue down
the lane to the grass triangle and your car.
Continue into the village for about 200 metres to visit the Acorn Public House.
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